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The Lab

Our Lab is located in the Biomedical Engineering building at Rutgers University, New Brunswick. At the heart of Busch Campus, we are next to the Richard Weeks Hall of Engineering, Busch Student Center, McLaren Center for Ceramic Research and the Chemistry and Chemical Biology building.


Our research uses with multiple facilities, including a clean room, confocal microscopy, tissue culture room, and bench top work-spaces. 


We develop microfluidic devices using photolithography and polymer micromolding techniques to examine the behavior of neural cells of the visual, central, and peripheral Nervous System. Our lab has recently begun to integrate microfluidics with ex vivo models of the retina and spinal cord for regenerative therapies.


Our research projects collaborate with multiple labs at Rutgers, including computational biology (T. Shinbrot), molecular biology and tissue engineering (L. Cai), and Neuroscience (B. Firestein). 


Interested in our research? ...

Check our latest publications on this website! or

Send us an e-mail at:


Rutgers University - New Brunswick
599 Taylor Road, Biomedical Engineering Building
Piscataway, NJ 08854
P: 848-4456872

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