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Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (100-Level): This course is an overview of the field of biomedical engineering designed to introduce undergraduates with its interdisciplinary nature.  Research areas are presented by biomedical engineering faculty each week. 


Honors College: Science and Technology (100-Level): The course introduces students of all backgrounds to scientific and technological topics. These include biomedical technology, regenerative therapies, health disparities, and interfaces with the medical field.  Students read scientific literature related to their topic and learn the fundamentals of science necessary to understand their readings. The seminar also engages students in the process of scientific inquiry, while giving attention to the historical, ethical, legal, social, and economic ramifications of the topic. 


Thermodynamics (200-Level): This course introduces concepts and definitions of transfer of energy i.e.  Work and Heat. Material covers the First Law and applications, the Second Law and Carnot theorems, entropy, thermodynamic state variables and functions and reversibility. Problems utilize ideal gas mixtures, gas-vapor mixtures and the psychrometric chart. 


Biomedical Transport Phenomena (300-Level): This course provides fundamentals of transport phenomena in biological systems, with an emphasis on physical and chemical mass transport processes that are related to artificial organs and tissue engineering applications. The course covers fundamental topics of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat and mass transport in biomedical systems and technologies. 


Experimental Methods in Biomedical Engineering (300-Level):  This course focuses on the principles of experimental design, application of statistics, and interpretation of data, modular hands-on laboratory experiments in bio-transport, biological control, signal analysis, imaging, biomechanics, biomaterials, and cell and tissue engineering. 


BME Capstone Senior Design I and II (400-Level): Senior design I introduces the engineering design phase of a project development after specifications have been largely determined. Through lectures and hand-on-experience students are introduced to: Working in teams, design process, planning and scheduling (timelines), technical report writing, proposal writing, and oral presentations. During this course, students should propose a number of design concepts, and select the most promising designs that best fulfill the required and desired specifications. Senior Design II focuses on 1) building mockup prototypes to evaluate the most promising approaches to be developed, 2) construction and evaluation of a functional device prototype in conformity with the specifications of performance defined during Senior Design I, and 3) the construction of a final product. System testing is the final stage in the verification and validation of a product. Students will carefully describe the methods to evaluate the performance, robustness, misuse and potential failure of the whole system. 

BME Special Topics (400-Level): Cell Culture and Tissue Analyses: This course highlights the principles of experimental design, application of statistics, and interpretation of data in the context of cell and tissue engineering. Students will perform modular, hands-on laboratory experiments in transport, biological control, signal analysis, optical imaging, and biomaterials.

Independent Study/ Undergraduate Research Project (400-Level): Please see full listing of research projects HERE


Rutgers University Ad Hoc Courses and Modules

Molecular Basis of Physiology (Rutgers 16:761:580)/ Retinal Physiology in Medicine (MSBS 5081S) Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (SP2020)

Reilly Douglass Engineering Living-Learning Community DELLC (16.000.000) Introduction to Engineering Students (FA2019, SP2021, FA2022, FA2023)

Biotechnology Training Program (16:125:604) Topics in Advanced Biotechnology II (SP2019; SP2021, SP2022) Retinal Engineering using Biotechnology

Biotechnology Training Program (16:125:604) Topics in Advanced Biotechnology I (FA2019) Technical Career Paths in Biomedical Engineering

Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (16.125.201) FA2018; FA2019; FA2020

Freshman Writing for Engineers (14.000.000) Biomedical Engineering; FA2019


Current Topics in Neural Engineering (MS/PhD, 500-Level): This course discusses current progress in the interdisciplinary field of neural engineering where biologists, engineers, and clinicians collaborate to bridge the gap between neuroscience and engineering. Neural engineering encompasses basic and applied research at the molecular, cellular, and systems levels and can include experimental, computational, theoretical, clinical, and applied studies. This graduate elective is a research intensive coure where students prepare a short review, perspective, or commentary article based on their research contributions to date.

Microfluidics and Microfabrication (MS, 500-Level): Fundamentals of modern microfluidic devices with applications to biomedical measurements, e.g., electrophoretic systems, flow cytometers, and immunoassays. Review of fundamental properties of microfluidic systems including the effects of fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and electromagnetic phenomena on biological systems. Critical overview of design, manufacture, and operation of micrometer scale systems that use photolithographic and surface treatment techniques for device development. 


Master’s in Translational Medicine Bio-Design I, II, and III: This three course sequence is a yearlong group project undertaken to design and construct a biomedical engineering device or system.


The first course emphasizes the identification of a need for a biomedical device/system/drug. Students will learn to perform a high-level assessment of the characteristics of the medical area in which a biomedical need should be identified. 

The second course is undertaken to design and construct the biomedical engineering device or system. The focus is  the development of a conceptual solution to the problem/need identified in part I and prototyping to evaluate innovative conceptual solutions. 

The third course will transform the prototype into a product that can be marketed and used at the bedside to treat patients. The content of this course will focus on final product development, testing and clinical validation methods as well as preparation of documents for regulatory submission. Students will learn to develop a translational solution to a biomedical need within the constraints of a real world problem including quality and process management, reimbursement strategy, marketing and stakeholder strategy, sales and distribution strategy, competitive advantage and business strategy, operating plan and financial model, business plan development, funding sources, and licensing and alternate pathways biomedical engineering device or system. 


Rutgers University - New Brunswick
599 Taylor Road, Biomedical Engineering Building
Piscataway, NJ 08854
P: 848-4456872

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